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Creating a Diamond with Gimp
by DreamMint  Sept. 3, 2007

Diamond Sample
I was playing around with Gimp (GNU Image Editing Program) and ended up figuring out how to create something that looks fairly diamond like.  (Note: I am using a version of Gimp called Gimpshop...so some details may be slightly different than the regular Gimp software.)

I hadn't found any tutorials for creating anything like this on the internet, so here I am posting it for your use.

Here are the steps I did:

Create a circle with the Eliptical tool on a white background.

Select the Gradient tool and the gradient called Brushed Aluminum or any other gradient that has a metallic silver look to it. Set the Mode to Difference (it won't work if you don't change the mode to this).  And choose the shape of the gradient to be Conical.

Diamond Step 2

At the top of the circle click the gradient tool
create a stroke from about a quarter of the way inside the circle up to the top edge of the circle.  Do the same thing on the bottom of the circle.  And then to the left side and right sides of the circle.  Then you'll probably want to do some more in the spaces in between.  Think of it like a clock....dragging the gradient tool from each different spots on the clock.  You could work around in a circle, but I think it worked best when I'd do one point and then the opposite side from it.

Diamond Step 3

You should end up with something that kind of looks like a black jewel.

Black Diamond

Press Ctrl+I to invert the colors.  This will make your diamond!

Lighten Diamond with Values, Saturation, and Dodge tool

It may appear kind of dark though.  So you may want to play around with things like the value, saturation and such.  And also maybe use the dodge tool on some parts.

When you're done and satisfied with how it looks copy the selection and paste as new or into whatever image you've created your diamond for.  I'm not completely satisfied with how this one turned out, but I was only doing it for the tutorial.  The one I did before it (shown at the top of the page) is much better and gives you an indication of how good this can turn out.  Experiment with different settings and such and see what you can come up with to make it even better.  :)

Finished Diamond